Short Heath Pupil Leadership

School Council 

We are fortunate to have a dedicated team of young Pupil Leaders at Short Heath; there are representatives from each class across year groups 3 to 6. They are democratically chosen by all of the pupils in school and meet regularly with Senior Leaders. Miss Harris works with the Pupil Leaders and meets with them on a termly basis, in order that they provide an input into activities and initiatives across the school. 

We are proud of all of our leaders in school.

This year, our leaders are:

Ash Class - 

Oak Class - 

Yew Class - 

Douglas Fir - 

Silver Birch Class - 

Hazel - 

Sycamore Class - 

Cedar Class -

Maple Class - 

Willow Class - 

Cherry -

Elder - 

Pear - 


French Assistants

French assistants support our French Leader, Madam Titley, by ensuring languages are used and enjoyed daily.

Ash Class - 

Oak Class - 

Yew Class - 

Douglas Fir - 

Silver Birch Class - 

Hazel Class - 

Sycamore Class - 

Cedar Class - 

Maple Class - 

Willow Class - 

Cherry -

Elder - 

Pear - 


Our Y5 Junior PCSO Team

Trained by PCSO Lally and PC Witton of West Midlands Police, our Junior PCSO regularly patrol outside our school and issue parking tickets to motorist who are not parked safely.