Our Vision and Values

At Short Heath Junior School, we offer teaching and learning which supports each child to achieve their potential within a happy, friendly and caring community.

Through carefully planned questioning and a wealth of practical opportunities that develop exploration and problem-solving skills, staff guide children on a sensational learning journey. This culminates in the secure understanding of a concept or a tangible learning outcome, such as a piece of writing or artwork.

We are a friendly, welcoming school with a concerned, committed and caring staff. We aim to know our children thoroughly and provide them with an attractive and stimulating learning environment in which they feel happy, valued and secure. 



Every day, In every way, Everyone matters!

At Short Heath Federation, we use a proactive, positive and problem solving approach in order to support children with their learning. Our Federation motto is demonstrated in practice as we show each and every child that their individual thoughts, feelings and actions really do matter every single day. 


Our vision is to create a school where every child achieves his/her potential through a relentless focus on high quality teaching and learning.

We wish....


  • We wish Short Heath to be a centre of excellence
  • We wish to have a partnership between home and school which will help our children to develop spiritually, intellectually, socially and emotionally.
  • We wish our children to be taught in an atmosphere of praise and encouragement where curiosity, enthusiasm, special skills and aptitudes are nurtured and where special needs are met.
  • We wish all our children to succeed and will have high standards and expectations for all.
  • We wish to ensure equal access for all, and we will set ourselves against discrimination of any sort.
  • We wish all our children to feel safe and secure and have an agreed policy for discipline which is based on the Christian values of respect for oneself and others.


We aim to be a community where:


  • Children are placed firmly at the centre.
  • Christian beliefs and values are central to everything we do.
  • Children are nurtured spiritually, morally, socially and culturally to have caring natures, positive attitudes and to behave responsibly.
  • Excellence in literacy and numeracy is central and all teaching is of the highest quality, meeting National Curriculum requirements and beyond.
  • Children are motivated to achieve the highest possible standards and to make good progress relative to prior attainment.
  • Resources (human and material) are used efficiently to ensure value for money from available funds.



For every child

At Short Heath Junior School, we offer teaching and learning which supports each child to achieve their potential within a happy, friendly and caring community.
Through carefully planned questioning and a wealth of practical opportunities that develop explorative and problem-solving skills, staff guide children on a sensational learning journey. This culminates in the secure understanding of a particular concept or a tangible learning outcome, such as a piece of writing or artwork.

Communication is key

Great teamwork and positive partnerships leads to effective teaching, high standards and successful learning. We communicate with parents and carers in a variety of ways and our dedicated staff are always happy to meet with parents and carers to discuss any concerns.
Throughout your child’s time with us we provide a range of opportunities – to ensure that pupils are heard and know that their opinions are valued. This includes peer mentoring, pupil collaboration and a thriving pupil leadership team!

A collaborative approach

We aim to create an environment in which people are comfortable to say ‘well done’, ‘thank you’ and ‘I need help’, where children and adults see politeness as the norm and where attempting is celebrated as much as achieving.
Education is a partnership between parents, teachers and the wider community; by working together we hope to develop lively enquiring minds, perseverance, determination, ambition, self-confidence and a thirst for knowledge and understanding!

Creating global citizens

Children are rewarded for positive attitudes and behaviours as well shown how to self-regulate and acknowledge their emotions.  Whole school systems emphasise positive behaviour and sustained effort and achievement, in a safe place. Our House Points system is integral to the school, with children and staff being members of a specific house.  House events, designed by the children, are held each term and have included talent contests, quiz shows, craft competitions and sports events. Children always lead the initiative!


Respect for others

Competitiveness and fun are important at Short Heath in order to prepare our children for the real world. Children are actively encouraged to challenge themselves and make the right decision. We place great importance on social, moral, spiritual and cultural education with high expectations for kindness, care and respect for others. We pride ourselves on our welcoming atmosphere, where everyone is valued and
encouraged to reach their potential; a place where every child can arrive, and leave, with a smile on their face!


A sense of responsibility

We want our children to develop a sense of moral responsibility and an interest in the world beyond their immediate environment. We believe that our environment plays a crucial part in developing our children into happy, healthy, safe and motivated learners. At the heart of everything we do is the promotion, development and encouragement of a healthy lifestyle.
We provide many opportunities for all children to enjoy a range of sports and to develop a deeper understanding of the ingredients necessary to sustain a long and healthy life.


We are very proud of all that our children achieve in this friendly and busy school.